Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm just so happy!

I'd just like everyone to know what I'm really happy today.


So you should be too!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Anger Issues

Okay, so I've been having anger issues. Not anger management issues, just anger in general. I'm pretty good at not blowing up in someone's face because I am mad at them, but it's when I turn my head around that I get nasty.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like start swearing or anything serious like that. I just get angry. I talk about it for days to people (such as my mother, Kimberly, and Anna) until it's finally out of my system enough for me to not tell that person just exactly how I feel. People say, tell people your feelings! It works out much better! AKA it doesn't! Because if I try to explain, to the person I am super mad at, my feelings, I will blow up and offend someone more than they offended me. Seriously. It's happened before. And as much as I'm working on it, I get into this terrible habit of wanting to be mad. We've all been there. You know, where you know you really shouldn't be mad and that you can choose to be happy, but for some reason you choose to NOT be? I go there. A LOT. And while I'm there, I don't mind. I have no desire to be happy because I'm so angry. I don't know where that comes from.

ANYWAY, my anger has been building these past couple of weeks. With finals coming up and all this stuff happening in my family and just things happening to me in general are irritating me. Alone, they wouldn't be a big problem. But for some reason I've had a very short fuse lately.

Not even kidding. Honestly, earlier I was in the bathroom and saw some college guys messing around in the yard behind us, so for some reason I went into creepy-curious-cat mode, turned off the lights, and watched them. I WAS CURIOUS, OKAY!? Anyway, it was fine until they starting playing drinking games and messing with Brandy (my old dog) through the fence. I got so angry that I walked outside and called Brandy in. WHOA, defiant, right!? xD NOT! But still, point being, I otherwise would have just left it alone because Brandy is a dog and probably doesn't even care.

Plus also, lately I have become VERY grateful for the parents I have. Because lately, I have deeply appreciated THEIR parenting habits and skills, because I'm finding MORE and MORE lately, that I don't like other people's. I'm not talking about a specific person or group of people, but just in general, I like the way my mom does things more than most other people. Same with my dad.

I don't know. I just need a cool down. Hows abouts I just grab like five friends and we all go on a road trip, okay? xD I wish.