Sunday, June 6, 2010

Falls City

BREAKING NEWS: The Thurston-Williams family will be moving this summer. At least, we are eighty percent sure. Almost ninety.

See, our house is in the middle of being foreclosed. There is still a possibility that we won't be foreclosed but it isn't a big one. Jim's (my step dad) mother is having trouble paying for her house and could get into that area soon, too. So Jim had the wonderful idea of moving over there to live with her so we could help her with her money stuff, and basically we would be paying half and she would pay the other half.

I'm not going to lie and say I don't think it's a good idea. While I was excited to go to Central, I think it would be sort of nice to go somewhere different for a change. Meet new people. Get new friends.

Then there is all the stuff for church. I won't be going to Monmouth wards anymore. I'll be going to a Dallas ward. However, I'm not so pessimistic about that because there are two stake dances each month AND girls camp AND stake conferences AND EFY (if I ever get to go) AND... other things. So I will still see you guys plenty. Don't get me wrong, I will miss my friends from church and from school. I just know that it won't be the end of everything. It's not like I'll be moving to Japan and facebook will be our only source of communication (although, it will still be the main one).


  1. You'll be going to church in Dallas?? That's pretty cool...

  2. Honestly, switching somewhere totally new isn't as fun as it sounds. People have already established their friendships, their cliques, and it's harder than you think to make a place for yourself. :K Trust me, I know.

  3. At least you have a good attitude about it.

  4. AND you know people who live in dallas - like Mary- who you could hang with and fit in perfectly! Yeah, she's crazy. But she knows everyone and could help you make tons of friends! Also being your happy friendly slef you will make friends way fast just by being you! We will all miss you here, but we will see you still and come visit you like you will come visit us. one bad thing about going to DHS... sorry, but they have a bad choir. :/ oh well, they could use you! :) Love you emma!

  5. But I will be going to school in Falls City, not Dallas. Bleck!

  6. I guess it sounds least you are excited :) Good for you. Just don't forget that I love you always!
