Monday, March 7, 2011

Emma Thurston: Permitted Driver

Okay, it's actually not that big of a deal, I know. But hey? Who cares if I'm excited? Let me be excited (and scared to death! ahh!)! I took the test today. It was super different than Saturday. I mean, the questions were alike and everything, but this run seemed easier. I don't know. I was probably just better prepared. Anyway, you have to get at least 80% to pass. The first time I got 72% and today I got 80%! I cut it real close but at least I passed! :) Super awesome. I was so worried. In the middle of the test I had like 6 wrong out of 27 and I was thinking OH MY GOSH I can't miss another question or else I'm going to get a 79 percent! I was sure I'd get a 79 percent, just because life works that way. But nope. I passed. :) HURRAY!

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