I've been acknowledging a lot of my pet peeves lately. Things I never really noticed that bother me. I mean, you know when you are feeling perfectly fine and then something happens and suddenly you are super annoyed? And sometimes you don't know what it is that annoyed you? And it isn't until it happens often that you realize what it is? I've been experiencing that realization very often. And some of my pet peeves are stupid. Every one has stupid pet peeves. Some are reasonable, I think. I don't know. I guess it depends on your point of view.
1) Open doors
Now, I can deal with this. I'm not going to kill someone because they left the door open. But when I am in my room, I close the door. I remember I had a friend once that wasn't allowed to close her door. I also remember being very annoyed because we couldn't play pretend privately. I didn't want her parents sneeking around watching our barbies kiss (haha, the things we think of when we are children). Still, even now, it's not that I have something to hide. I just don't like people being able to openly see into my room. And our front door, too. I hate it when it's open to cool off the house. I just hate it.
2) Wet toilet seats
It doesn't matter what the identity of the liquid is. If it's liquid, keep it OFF THE TOILET SEAT. I mean, ew! Seriously! Even if it's water! Just.. EW!
3) When people have different opinions than me
This is one of those 'stupid' pet peeves. Of course people are going to have different opinions. But nobody likes being told their opinion isn't the correct one. I hate it when people don't agree with me. I deal with it. But I still don't like it.
4) People watching me over the computer
I hate it when people watch what I'm doing on the computer. It's not that I'm doing something bad. I just don't like it. I feel like my privacy is being invaded. Of course there are exceptions to this peeve, but still.
5) All black clothing
I hate it when people wear all black. Black on black does NOT look good. Same with white on white. But black on black is worse. Ick.
6) 'Different' Teenagers
I HATE it when teenagers are all, "Eeeeeeeee I want to be different than everyone eeeeeeeeelse!" So they wear punk clothes and gallons of eyeliner and straighten their hair and tease it and wear converse and all that stuff, and think they are 'different'. NEWS FLASH. EVERYONE DOES THAT. You want to be different? Don't wear any make up, go to good will to get clothes, and wear your hair naturally with no gunk in it.
7) 'My mother doesn't love me'
Do you get presents for Christmas? Your mother loves you. Get a grip and stop complaining because you didn't get a pony for your birthday.
8) Inside Jokes out of context
You know when there is a really funny one liner from a story you told or something and you and that one friend laugh whenever you hear it? Just kidding, it's not whenever you hear it. It has to do with the conversation somehow doesn't it? When me and Kimberly joke about the whole 'Jacob's body' thing, it usually some how comes up in the conversation. Like, I don't know, Kimberly will say, "This punch is great." And I will say, "I don't know. It doesn't really have a great body." And we will crack up. Now, if we are walking around with a friend and we are talking about waffles, if that third friend says, "Hey guys, Jacob has a great body!" It isn't funny. It wasn't incorporated into the conversation. You could say, "Wow, those waffles had great bodies!" Or at least SOMETHING that would incorporate what we were already talking about.
9) Non-funny people
Okay, that sounds mean. I don't mean people with no sense of humor. I mean people who try SO hard to be funny that they just aren't. Like.. when they make a joke and look at everyone to see if they will laugh. Dude, just joke. You know? I mean.. I don't know.. I just feel bad for people when they aren't very good at being funny and I don't like pretending to laugh. If being serious is what you are good at, be serious.
10) K
I just hate it when people send back K as a text. Is it really that hard to type out 'okay'? Or even just 'kay'? I understand if you are in the car or something, but still. Yuck.
11) Uber
I hate it when people say uber. I saw an add with the word uber in it and now I don't appreciate that word because I associate it with not so great things.
12) Creepy Guys that are Drunk
Have you ever seen drunk guys walking around? I have. And they annoy me SO BAD. Especially when they holler at you from across the street. Also, one time on a plane there was a drunk guy and he kept playing with some girls hair. Yikes!
13) People telling me what to do
I hate it when people tell me what, where, why, or when to do something unless I ask. Even if it's just a piece of advice. Keep your advice to yourself. Unless I ask for it, I don't care. I mean, that sounds sort of awful, but I just don't like it. I make my own decisions. I'm not restricted hardly at all. And that's how I was raised, basically. I mean, we have rules at my house. Don't get me wrong. But my mom trusts me enough to allow me to pretty much do whatever I want, whenever I want, as long as she has a way to get a hold of me when she needs to (of course occasionally I can't, but that's not the point). She knows that if I make a mistake I will learn from it and do it differently the next time. That's partially why I've never been grounded. She's never had to ground me, because she knows that nature will teach me the lesson itself. If I have done some dumb thing, I'll figure out it was dumb and I'll set it right. That's who I am. I make my own mistakes, experience my own mishaps, and earn my own rewards. I don't like other people to tell me how I should fix my problems or how I should do something at all. I fix them myself.
14) Sleeping in
I don't like it when people sleep in past ten, and even that's pushing it. The latest I've ever slept in is about 10:30 and that's been like.. twice. I feel like my day is lost if I sleep in.
15) Homework
I really, really don't appreciate homework. Not because it's work. I hate it because I think that school is for school and home is for home. The whole reason we come home from school is so that we get a break. If we have homework, we aren't getting a break. So why don't they just keep us in school for another hacking hour!?
Oh my goodness. There are one hundred more than that. Thousands, actually. Every day. But I don't address them to others because then I would sound like a really depressed person WHICH I am not, therefore people don't need to know. Good bye. ;)
Oh yeah, and me and Jennie went to the movie in the park tonight. It was so fun! :D Did you know that ice cream at McDonalds is 2 for a buck now? Wahoo! :)
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