Monday, June 14, 2010

First Day of Vacation

I mean, technically Saturday was the first day of summer vacation. But really, we would have had Saturday and Sunday off anyway. So today is the first day that wouldn't normally be empty. So today is the first day of summer vacation!

What a wonderful day, right? It's sunny, it's hot, there is no school, the parents are gone from the house, the kitchen has just been cleaned, the floor has just been swept, the stairs have just been cleaned, five dollars are on the counter for us to use if we need it, and Grace isn't making a fuss. So why should I be annoyed?

Despite all of these wonderful things, I can hardly use these things to my advantage. The sun is out, but I have to stay inside and watch Grace. I guess we could go to the park or something, but that doesn't sound to appealing. Unless someone wants to go with me so I have company? (hint hint!)

It is hot, but I have no pool to go to. I'm sure YMCA isn't open, and even if it was, it's too far to walk to with Grace. The WOU pool I'm sure isn't open right now. I'd like to go to Three Pools, but Dad has work.

There is no school, so yes, I don't have to go do unnecessary work. But school is a way to see friends that I wouldn't see on a normal day to day basis.

The parents are away from the house, so I don't have to worry about being too loud for Jim or the baby or Mom. But it also makes everything twice as boring, and it doesn't help that Grace doesn't really listen to me.

I cleaned the kitchen and the floor and the stairs. Hurray!

The five dollars on the counter is a bonus. But I don't want to spend it on some random thing. I'm just going to use it for milk or maybe to bribe Grace if she gets annoying. haha

Grace isn't making a fuss. And that's always a good thing. However, she is going around the house in roller skates. *sigh*

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