Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back From Girls Camp

It was waaaay fun this last week, but I'm glad to be home. Usually I want to stay longer, but this year, a week seemed like the perfect amount of time to get away from my house.

There are a bunch of people I need to get back in touch with. Leif, for one. I haven't really talked to him in depth in a while. Zanna, too.

I seriously need something to do next week. I have Gracie and Case for most of it.

I don't think I'm going to the dance tonight. I'm too exhausted from camp to go out partying. A nice walk with a friend does sound appealing, though. I need to work off some calories. I had way too many today. Haha!

Check out the Twin of Junie B. Jones section. I added a new one.

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