Sunday, April 17, 2011


Drawing has been one of my latest hobby obsessions. I mean I really don't think I will go anywhere with my drawings, not like a cartoon artist or anything big like that. But somehow it manages to take up most of my time in school lately, at least when I'm not doing anything. Most of my pictures get thrown away or recycled because they are tests or something, but the ones I can get my hands on I tuck away into a special place. Just kidding. I actually just shove them in my math folder and listen to Shellbie complain about not being drawn all through math. So a few days ago I gave in and drew her chasing me up a tree trying to draw me a picture. I almost thought she might whack me, but she thought it was funny. Phew.

But really, I have been drawing a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean if there is a blank sheet of paper by me, I have to draw. I feel like something is wrong if I don't. This includes the backs of tests, journal pages, white boards, occasionally desks (but only with a pencil so I can erase later, of course), the list goes on. I draw things that have happened, things I think will happen, metaphors of things that have happened. It's fun to stretch my imagination with things that are physically impossible. Like people having heads twice the size of their body. xD

And everyone likes seeing them too. Or everyone that talks to me, anyway. They all want me to draw them and I would but the thing about my drawings is that I draw them when I want to. I draw the best pictures when I came up with the idea, and I really want to. Or if I'm very bored and have nothing to do. But if some person says DRAW ME over and over, I don't want to and when I do it won't look very good because I didn't put effort into it. And if someone is counting on me to have a good picture it comes out yucko because I thought about it too much.

Anyway, that's my two cents for the day. Maybe I'll post some of the pictures.

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